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Bruno Martinez Pita
Born in A Coruna, I have been working as a freelance conference interpreter, translator, subtitler and language tutor since 2017 in Valencia (my main residence) and A Coruña.
I graduated in Translation and Interpreting at the University of East Anglia (UK) and completed a MA in Conference Interpreting at the University Galway (Ireland).


Glamorous [gl]

Kaleidoscope (Serie) [gl]

The Lincoln Lawyer: Season 1 [gl]

The Lincoln Lawyer: Season 2 [gl]

Wellmania [gl]

Love At First Sight [gl]

Your Place or Mine [gl]

O dragón de papá [gl]

Broad Peak [gl]

Mr. Harrigan's Phone [gl]

Royalteen [gl]

Royalteen: Princess Margrethe [gl]

Giorgio Armani. Crossroads: Season 2 [es, en; partial]

Unha de monstros [gl]

Pai [gl]

O día a día dos oficios. Dicionario visual [gl]

Que será iso do amor, Minimoni? [gl]

O ruxido [gl]

Cando estala a tormenta [gl]

Que che pasa, bebiña? [gl]

A cuadrilla dos 11 [gl]

The Knights in Purple Armour

Súper Mi: Descubramos o corpo [gl]

Súper Mi: Descubramos o océano [gl]

Babymoni: Estou leda! [gl]

Babymoni: Hora de se bañar! [gl]

Housetag. Vivienda colectiva en Europa 2000-2021 [es; parcial]

Vicultura magazine, issue #4 [en]